With guest speaker, Dr. Aaron Waxman, M.D., PhD a pulmonologist at Mass General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.
Hosted by the KYB Leadership Academy
With featured guest speaker, Nurse Felicia Haines, RN
KYB Leadership Academy's Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead Conference 2022
In this episode, Gerry Langan, discusses her experience with her pulmonary hypertension diagnosis in 2018 while being a new mom.
An educational discussion about the importance of mental health.
In this episode, Mr. Smith discusses his late wife's diagnosis with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).
In this episode, Dr. Lamarche speaks with us about his primary pulmonary hypertension diagnosis and journey.
In this episode, Maria Elsenbroek shares her journey as a mother of a daughter diagnosed with PH at the age of four.